Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Whoa!! So this is what I have to look forward to eh!! xox

Allyson said...

Yes, and then beautiful legs!

Unknown said...

Oh Dad...I know it looks worse than it is. He explained that the pain is minimal this time around! We chatted on the phone today. Just be sure to take him out of the house atleast once a day! :-) Love you both. xoxo

Anonymous said...

U.D. is on the mend! Looks bad... I hope that it doesn't bother him as much as it looks! Wishing U.D. a speedy recovery and fantabulous looking (and feeling) legs!
With love, Andrea xoxo

Anonymous said...

So smooth now! This is a little bit more extensive than my vein surgery. Happy healing - the end result will be worth it!

xo Amy