Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two Dads, Two Sisters and Two Brothers-In-Law

Our daughter April and handsome husband Nick graciously hosted a Father's Day BBQ for their two Dads on Sunday.  When sister Amy heard about it, she asked if they could drop by to see us too, and long story short, a lovely afternoon was had by all.  Here are a few pictures from our beautiful afternoon.

Trouble x 3

Sweet "K" and Abby.  Abby simpley adores her cousin!

This picture is courtesy of Colby's Mom Amy.
Sister, Brother -- Brother, Sister

I love this picture because Hudson on the left and Colby on the right are both looking at me!
Sweet or what??

Back at home, Papa opens his gift from Colby!  Love the caption.

It was a wonderful afternoon.  I managed to put two little guys to sleep on my shoulder.  Giggle with Abby.  Chat with "K".  Admire April and Nick's newly renovated kitchen.  See two of my sweet daughters.  And...watch two of my sons be the most awesome men to their children! 

The only the thing that would have made the afternoon even better would be if Cathy and Cliff and their six children were there too. You can't have everything.  I know they were having a great celebration in their new home along with Cliff's mom, aka, Nonna!



Unknown said...

Very cute post, Mom!I love how the power of Nanny was able to place Hudson in his crib and he slept!
:-) Thanks for sharing Dad's Day with us! xoxo

Anonymous said...

"Is this thing on?!" :-) Seems to be working.

Great new blog M to the power of 3.

And yes, a wonderful Father's Day afternoon. Many thanks to the Besth's for hosting.

xo Amy

Anonymous said...

sounds like you all had a wonderful time... love the photos... you have two (of three) very handsome grandsons there A.A. thankfully you've been blessed with all your healthy, good-looking grandchildren! lucky nanny (and papa!)
andrea xo