Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year Begins...Tomorrow!

Well you'd never, ever know what an exciting year 2011 has been by looking at my Blog that's for sure.

Motor Mouth Mom obviously wasn't motoring on here that's for sure.  I've decided to abandon, this one for the present and try something new for me.

A photo a day for 2012.  I invite you to take the journey with me through pictures beginning tomorrow!

Here's the link:

The format of the blog will change, I've still to figure that out, but you can be sure change it will!

In the meantime, wishing you a Very Happy New Year.  May 2012 bring you all that your heart desires!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Baby Its' Cold Outside

The front of our house in The Grove faces "the true North strong and free" and with the recent long, cold snap it looks as if we've had the snow's that are predicted for tonight's snowfall warning.  With a little good, great luck, the weatherperson will be wrong and this will be the extent of our winter wonderland.  At least that's what I'm hoping for.

The promise of Spring and the Fall crocuses getting their green on are pusing up through the cold, hard dirt.